Monarch 1130-02 Labeler 6 Band


Item #: 390333
Pack: 1
Color: Dark Gray

Monarch 1130-02 Labeler 6 Band

  • Prints in 6 positions
  • Easy to load and snap-in/pop out ink roller
  • Total view access to inside
  • Lightweight-14.1 oz. fully loaded

Excellent Choice
For a user looking for a super reliable hand held labeler; the Monarch 1130 is a great place to start. The build quality is top notch and the easy label loading and design benefits help to make everyday use simple. This tool will hold the most labels on a roll in the entire industry; 2,500 individual stickers. That design will save time as it will not need to be loaded as often. When it does come time to insert a new roll, that processes is a breeze.

This label gun has always been produced in the USA. Although it uses the smallest label available in our industry (tie with one other model), the most popular print option does not give a small print display on the price sticker; small, but just as easy to read as any other labeler.

Easy Loading
Loading Monarch 1130 labels into the Monarch 1130 price gun is a very easy process. The entire top portion of the price gun opens; the user then loads the roll of Monarch labels, pulls a strip out the front, closes the price gun shut, and feeds the labels through the front.

Different Print Options
As you research this tool, keep in mind that the same gun can be ordered in a few different print styles. Here is a brief description of the options that can be selected as stock. Custom set up is always an option should your application require a specific print.

03 – The most popular option. Will allow for a bold, six character print; $99.99 as a maximum price print with cent characters.
02 – Again, six print positions; however, the cent positions are smaller with underlines. This helps to save from using a decimal and prices over $100 with cent characters are possible.
09 – Almost identical to the 02, the cent positions are just half sized and raised.